普及活動 [Motion]

ネクタイリフォームの普及活動 [Inspire the “Reusing ties”]






2014年4月 ネクタイデザイナー 野村佳う子

Inspire the “Reusing ties”

In this time,I think that the recycle is the most important. Japanese“Mottainai”means treasuring everything and using these to the last. This word now became common word in the world. Japanese people were cultivating the “Mottainai”during the national isolation of about 300 years.

I have been making the ties by my hand for 30 years since 1980.
Since13 years ago, I have begun the Reusing ties that many ties have remade the other goods. I have many ideas about Reusing ties and inspired to the many women in this aria. It had been leaded that my husband had retired from his work. I could not throw out a lot of his ties which he didn’t wear any more.

“Remaking one pouch from one tie” This my idea happened the great sensation in Nagoya. The newspaper and TV station took up their own media. And I often have a class of Reusing ties at the culture school and a class of kasugai city.

From Octover in 2002 to Janualy in 2003, Ihad studied in UK where the ties developed. I knew that people in UK dose not remake the ties. The used ties are sold at the second-hand shops after cleaning.( I sent a letter for my friend in UK, she told me that Reusing textile has just begun in the school.)

In Aich Expo 2005, a group of twenty women who finished to study at the class of Reusing ties, took part in the Seto Aich Prefecture Hall for 2 days. We taught how to remake a pouch from reusing ties for many visitors in Expo.

I have been collecting many recipes of Reusing ties for 13 years and at least I have just published the book. This book has been described with Japanese and English, both languages.
Because I want all world people know about Reusing ties ,the same as the ties are worn in all the world.

Recently in Japan it is fashionable that the Kimono is remade to the dress. Japanese women wear kimono a few time

I have attended the Honolulu Festival of 13’th on March 2007. I had the exhibition of Reusing ties there, and advertised this books . Many people came to the Festival for two days. They said “Oh My God! ”
They were very surprise at my these remaking goods. Some of them took the photos of my works…. the center pieces, the vest , the blouse +skirt, and the tie’s dress those are made from Reusing ties.

Honolulu Festival
2007,3,10th and 11th

I hope many women know the Reusing ties .I think it’s very important that many ties are valuable material, and Reusing ties become ecology.
I think that I want you to feel that each person’s manual labor leads to the global environment and perform wide activity.

I would like to inspire the Reusing ties to all of the world.

Tie designer Youko Nomura